Michel Ligne v Cooperative agricole Terrena

March 19, 2001
Final judgment
France, Angers

Beekeepers/Honey Producers
E.U.R.L. Les Ruchers de Gatine, Michel Ligne, SNA, UNAF, SMPF, UAA, UNAPLA, Groupement Défense Sanitaire Apicole, Association Sanitaire Apicole Départementale du Maine et Loire, Confédération Paysanne des Deux Sèvres
Terrena agriculture coop
Jacques Vicart, Bertrand Salquain

Civil court
, Fungicide
Overturn the judgment quashing the expert report, dismiss the co-op and find evidence of toxicity of the fungicide/insecticide mixtures.
Cour d'Appels d'Angers 1ère Chambre A of Angers, France

December 9, 2008
The cooperative is held liable for damages to the apiaries and ordered to pay damages to the plaintiffs.

12.09.2008. plaintiffs appeal the court's decision rejecting their request to suspend fungicide and insecticide treatments that they alledge are responsible for the excess mortality of their bees.