Nature 18 v. Prefecture of Cher

December 22, 2017
Provisional judgment
France, Orléans

Environmental NGOs
France Nature Environnement Centre Val de Loire, Nature 18, Sologne Nature Environnement
Prefect of Cher
No description

Cancel the refusal of the Prefect of Cher to complement the provisions of the order of 7/24/2017 issued in application of Article 1 of the interministerial order of May 4, 2017 on the placing on the market and use of plant protection products and their adjuvants. Order the Prefect to amend the disputed provisions of the order.
Administrative Court of Orléans, France

April 30, 2020
The order of the Prefect of Cher of 7/24/2017 and the decision of 10/11/2017 rejecting the appeal are cancelled because the order does not include all the elements of the hydrographic network featured on the 1/25000th maps of the IGN. The Prefect shall amend her order.

The plaintiffs contest the order of 7/24/2017 defining the zones of non-treatment by pesticides taken by the Prefect of Cher on the grounds that it does not include all the water surfaces covered by the ministerial order of May 4, 2017. The hearings take place on 3/10/2020. On April 30, 2020, the administrative judge cancels the disputed order.