Générations Futures et al v. Ministère de l’Agriculture

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February 25, 2020
Not judged
France, Paris

Environmental NGOs, Medical doctors, Consumer Protection Organizations
Générations Futures, Alerte des Médecins sur les Pesticides (AMLP), Collectif des Victimes des Pesticides de l'Ouest, Collectif des Victimes des Pesticides des HdF, Eau et Rivières de Bretagne, France Nature Environnement (FNE), Solidaires, UFC-Que Choisir, Vigilance OGM Charentes
Ministère de l'Alimentation, de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche
François Lafforgue

Cancellation of the Order and Decree of 27 December 2019 on measures to protect persons when using plant protection products in the vicinity of residential areas.
Council of State of Paris, France

8 NGOs challenge the order and decree of 12/27/2019 regarding the application of pesticides near homes. They believe that the texts will not protect "workers", local residents or the environment, and in particular "water resources".