APELA et al v. Belgian State

108.094, 114.000/VI-16.162
December 11, 2001
Final judgment
Belgium, Brussels

Economic stakeholders, Individuals
Association professionnelle des Entreprises de Luttes antiparasitaires (APELA), Société BILLEN, Société D.C.S., Société DEPARASITA, Maurice Devillers, Société HYGIENE CONTROL, Société INSECTIRA, Société PARASIT CLEAN, Société RODAN, Damien VAN PEEN
Pierre Legros, Jérôme Sohier

Suspension of the execution of the Royal Order of September 5, 2001 regarding the placing on the market and use of biocidal products.
Council of State of Brussels, Belgium

June 19, 2002
The disputed order is cancelled.

Plaintiffs request the suspension of the execution of the Royal Order of 5 September 2001 regarding the placing on the market and use of biocidal products. On June 19, 2002, the judge grants the plaintiffs' request. Irrespective of the questions of admissibility of the claims, the judge cancels the disputed order on the grounds that the Belgian State did not sufficiently motivate the urgent nature of the procedure for the elaboration of the contested order.