John Fenton v. Monsanto Australia

November 27, 2019
Not judged
Australia, Melbourne

Farm/rural workers, Farmers
John Fenton
Matthew Berenger, Guy Donnellan

Civil court
Class action
Roundup, Glyphosate, Herbicide
Declare that Defendant is financially responsible for notifying all Class members of the link between Roundup and NHL; Compensatory and punitive damages ; awarding Plaintiffs their costs...
Federal Court of Melbourne, Australia

This class action represents those who have suffered loss as a consequence of allegued exposure to Roundup and have contracted Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The class action alleges that Monsanto knew or ought to have known that Roundup was inherently unsafe and the company failed to provide suitable directions for use. On June 9, 2020, the court decides that the Fenton Proceedings will be stayed until further order of the court or until reasons for judgment have been delivered at any initial trial of the McNickle Proceedings.