Générations Futures et al. v. French State

February 9, 2022
Final judgment
France, Paris

Consumer Protection Organizations, Environmental NGOs
Générations futures, France Nature Environnement, Union fédérale des consommateurs - Que choisir (UFC - Que choisir), Collectif vigilance OGM et pesticides 16, Union syndicale Solidaires, Eau et rivières de Bretagne, Alerte des médecins sur les pesticides, Collectif de soutien aux victimes des pesticides de l'ouest, Collectif des maires anti-pesticides
Minister of Agriculture, Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire (environment)
No description

Astreinte to ensure the execution of the decision of July 26, 2021, which concerns the safety distances applicable to products suspected of being carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction.
Council of State of Paris, France

December 22, 2022
A penalty payment shall be imposed on the State if it does not justify having, within two months of notification of this decision, executed the decision of the Council of State of 26 July 2021 to the extent set out in point 3 and until the date of such execution. The rate of this penalty is set at 500 euros per day of delay starting the day after the expiration of the two-month period following the notification of the present decision.

The Council of State ruled in a July 26, 2021, decision that the Government set greater safety distances between homes and areas where the most toxic pesticides are applied. As the Government has still not complied with the decision, the associations have filed a complaint. The high court gives a deadline of two months for the application of a previous decision of 2021, under penalty of payment of a fine of 500 euros per day of delay.