Collectif des maires anti-pesticides v. Ministère de l’Agriculture

April 29, 2020
Provisional judgment
France, Paris

Local authorities
Collectif des maires anti-pesticides
Ministère de l'Alimentation, de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche
Corinne Lepage

Summary proceedings
Suspension of the decree of 27 December 2019 on measures for the protection of persons when using plant protection products in the vicinity of residential areas.
Council of State of Paris, France

May 15, 2020
The request of the coalition of anti-pesticide mayors is rejected.

The coalition of anti-pesticide mayors challenges the decree of 27 December 2019 on measures to protect people when using plant protection products near residential areas. It considers that the legal text does not sufficiently protect the health of the French population on the grounds that there is a probable link between fine particles and sensitivity to Covid 19 and that the application of pesticides during containment exposes inhabitants to continuous air pollution. This is why the coalition has started this new action, despite the rejection of the same request on 20/02/2020 (Ref 437814). The hearing takes place on 12 May 2020. On 15 May, the judge in summary proceedings of the Council of State rejected the request of the coalition of anti-pesticide mayors.