Natal Fresh Produce Growers’ Association et al v. Agroserve et al Reference : SA 749 (N) Complaint date : No description Status : Provisional judgment Place of jurisdiction : South Africa Plaintiffs types : Farmers Plaintiffs names : Natal Fresh Produce Growers' Association Defendants : Agroserve (Pty) Ltd Lawyers for Health and Environmental Justice : No description Case nature : Civil court Type(s), Product(s), Active substance(s) : Herbicide Requests : Application for prohibition to manufacture and distribute hormonal herbicides in South Africa Name of the Court : High Court, South Africa Jurisdiction level : Decision date : January 19, 1990 Decision nature : Negative Decision content : The Court concluded that it would be unreasonable to consider the activities of the defendants as wrongful because these herbicides were used to the detriment of the Natal producers by unidentified persons over whom the defendants have no control and whose they are not responsible for driving Legal basis : No description Court Ruling : No description Summary : Summary to be submitted. Scientific references : No scientifice reference for this case. Related links : Natal Fresh Produce Growers’ Association and others v. Agroserve (Pty) Ltd and others - Ecolex