Children’s Health Defense v. Beech-Nut
Reference :
No description
Complaint date :
July 8, 2019
Status :
Not judged
Place of jurisdiction :
United States, District of Columbia
Plaintiffs types :
Health/Food groups
Plaintiffs names :
Children’s Health Defense
Defendants :
Beech-Nut Nutrition Company
Lawyers for Health and Environmental Justice :
Kim E. Richman
Case nature :
Civil court
Specificities :
Type(s), Product(s), Active substance(s) :
Glyphosate, Acetamiprid, Captan, Roundup, , Neonicotinoid, Fungicide
Requests :
A trial by jury. A declaration that Beech-Nut's conduct violates the DC CPPA; an order enjoining defendant Beech-Nut’s conduct which violates the DC CPPA, and requiring corrective advertising; an order granting Children’s Health Defense costs and disbursements, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expert fees.
Name of the Court :
Superior Court of District of Columbia, United States
Jurisdiction level :
Summary :
Action against Beech-Nut, about the representation of Beech-Nut Naturals-brand baby food as “100% natural,”when it contains residues of synthetic pesticides including glyphosate, acetamiprid and captan.
Scientific references :
No scientifice reference for this case.