CBD and CFS v. FWS and DOI

September 26, 2019
Not judged
United States, District of Columbia, Washington DC

Environmental NGOs, Health/Food groups
Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), Center for Food Safety (CFS)
Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior
Hannah M.M. Connor, Sylvia Shih-Yau Wu, Victoria A. Yundt

Civil court
Civil action for injunctive and declaratory relief
Revocation of the approval of the use of bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides and pesticide-intensive genetically engineered crops on national wildlife refuges.
United States District Court of District of Columbia, Washington DC, United States

Plaintiffs challenge the 2018 decision by the department of the interior, reversing a phase-out on neonicotinoids and GMOs in National Wildlife Refuges that was decided in 2014 after 10 years of campaigning by various US groups.