< Back to news “Non-suit” for pesticide application near a school. Generations Futures will bring an action! September 8, 2017 Villeneuve de Blaye case: the examining magistrate transmits a dismissal order. Générations Futures intends to appeal against this order before the trial chamber of the Bordeaux Court of Appeal. ! Background information. On May 5,2014, 23 schoolchildren and their teacher were taken ill and hospitalized in emergency, following sprays carried out near the school of the commune. An investigation had been launched and a judicial inquiry was under way, in which Sepanso filed a complaint and Generations Futures sued. Hearing. After many twists and turns, our associations (Sepanso and Generations Futures) were finally heard by the investigating judge of Libourne on September 8,2016. The audition of Generations Futures (in the presence of Nadine Lauverjat and Me François Lafforgue) had allowed the association to defend its point of view and explain why it was involved. Our association had emerged from this confident and more determined hearing than ever before. The suites. As a result of these hearings, the castles were then put in indictment, which foreshadowed the opening of a trial but now, on September 4,2017, an order of dismissal by the investigating magistrate was transmitted to us through our lawyer, Me Lafforgue. The justification for the judge’s dismissal? Although the weather reports revealed consistent winds that day in the Blayais, the judge indicated in his order that it is not possible to take them into account on the grounds that… there was no weather station in Villeneuve de Blaye! It would certainly be very pertinent to ask school principals from now on to invest in anemometers placed in the courtyards so that one day this article 2 of the decree of September 12, 2006 (now that of May 4, 2017) can be applied! Similarly, while the judge refers to contentious applications whose atypical odour has been smelled by many witnesses, he indicates that this odour may have been caused by something else. Of what? mystery! Similarly, if the symptoms experienced are similar to the risks associated with the use of these applied products, these symptoms do not indicate a perfect fit and do not rule out the possibility that their cause may lie in another event. You read well! the children suddenly became discomforted, even though the tractors were passing by and spreading their product, but this discomfort was due to something else! what? mystery! It all seems mysterious at least, but not for Generations Future and for those who live close to intensively cultivated areas or work near synthetic pesticides. This characteristic smell, nausea, headaches, etc., is their almost daily lot during the spreading season.” says Nadine Lauverjat, coordinator of Generations Future.” Generations Futures, through its attorney Lafforgue, therefore decided to appeal against this order. This unfortunate case, followed by others, must confirm the urgent need to protect vulnerable groups, especially those who may be exposed to these toxins indirectly (riverine, hikers, agricultural workers, etc.), in particular by withdrawing dangerous molecules from the market as soon as possible and waiting for them to be removed, by setting up zones without harmful treatment close to the places where people live”, she concludes.